7 fatal mistakes

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Building your network marketing from ground zero.

A lot of people want to be successful in network marketing, but what is needed to get there?

You can do it. What you need is to follow the steps that make a home base business the best business to be involved in and network marketing the business that will change your life.

Learn the basics for your home business success; these are the first three steps:

1. Know what you want.

A lot of people get involved in network-marketing because they don’t have anything else to be involved with and that not the correct way to do it. Network marketing is a business and as one requires that his/her owner take charge and show the direction. You cannot do it if you do not know what you want.

There are some steps that you can take to assure you have the right way of thinking:
a. Write down what you want for your life;
b. Write down how you want your business to help you get there;
c. Write down what you will need to do to make your business work for you;
d. Write down how network marketing matches your goal.

As you can see the basic secret is to write it down. The reason why you should write it down is because we can easily forget where we came from or what we were thinking when we got involved with MLM and it will keep you in track and charged because you know what you want from your business.

2. Know why you want it.

When you stop to think about why you do the things you do today the way you do it what you get as answer? Most of the people just do because they were told to do the way they are doing. Now is the time that as a businessperson you change this cycle and put some meaning to what you do. From now on you will not do things just for doing it but because they mean something to you.

Take some steps to find out your meaning:
a. Write down why you want to change your life;
b. Write down why it is important to you;
c. Write down why network-marketing is your choice to get there;
d. Write down why you believe you will succeed with MLM.

Again write it down. How many times you stop to think why am I doing it? Whatever that you are doing. It is very important to keep you and mind set in check. We function by what we believe is correct and fair, so if you do not have it clear MLM, or any other thing will loose its importance and you will quit. You need to know why you want it.

3. Know when you want it.

This is the trick one. How can you know when you want what you want for the reason you want done? Here you will need stop and seriously think. What you are looking for here are not an exact date but a time frame that you will dedicate to achieve what you want. For that you will need to be realistic regarding how long would take to accomplish that.

To help you, take some time to find it out:
a. Write down when you would like to have it accomplished;
b. Write down when would you start going after it;
c. Write down how much tie you will dedicate to do it every day;
d. Write down what you believe is necessary to achieve it on the time you set;
e. Write down what you will do first and when you will do it;
f. Write down when you will stop to reevaluate your progress.

Write it down. You will need this information as you go in your journey to success because you will need to make adjustments e correct your course during this time. Writing it down you make you think over and take it serious as a commitment with yourself.

These are the three first steps you should take when you decide start your MLM business. It will help you organize you and your work and will make it easier to measure your progress.

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